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Selling Scrap Gold: What You Need to Know About the Refining Process

As an investor, you may be looking for ways to increase your holdings without having to sell your precious metals. In this case, you might want to consider refining your gold supply in order to make more cash out of it. But what does that mean? We’ll explain the entire process below and show you exactly where and how you can get it done!

What is gold refining?

Gold refining is the process of cleaning and purifying gold. In this way, it’s similar to how you would clean your clothes or wash your dishes–but on a much larger scale!

Gold refining is done to make the gold more pure. This increases its value because there are fewer impurities in it that can reduce its purity rating (aka karat).

The refining process.

The refining process is the same for all gold refiners. It involves melting the gold, then separating it from other materials. The end result is a pure form of gold that can be sold as bullion or used in jewelry manufacturing.

The purity of your product determines its value, so if you’re selling scrap gold, make sure you know what kind of quality products you have before sending them off for processing.

Where does gold refining take place?

Gold refining is a global business and there are many refiners around the world. The most popular place to refine gold is in the United States, where it’s customary for people to buy and sell scrap gold by weight.

Gold is an excellent investment but you need to know how to refine it before you can sell it.

Gold is an excellent investment. It’s a good store of value, it’s a hedge against inflation, and it can help protect you from currency devaluation. This makes gold a safe haven for investors looking to diversify their portfolios.

Gold has been used as money since at least 600 BC when Lydians used gold coins called electrum that were minted from electrum (a natural alloy of silver and gold). When Rome fell under barbarian rule in 476 AD they continued using Roman denarii until they were replaced by Byzantine solidus coins which had higher purity levels than anything produced previously by either Greeks or Romans.[1]

It’s not just the U.S. that has gold refineries.

You may think that the only place to sell your scrap gold is a U.S.-based refinery, but there are actually many different types of refineries all over the world. Whether you’re looking to sell your jewelry at a local shop or mail it away for processing, it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re working with someone reputable.

There are two main types of gold refiners: primary and secondary (also known as “bulk”). Primary refiners process raw materials into purer forms like bars or coins; secondary refiners melt down existing scrap items into liquid form before refining it further into bars or coins–or they simply melt down scrap jewelry directly into liquid form without going through an intermediate stage first. Most people prefer using primary refiners because they offer more security since their products come from only one source rather than being mixed together with other metals like copper or silver during manufacturing processes (which could lower their value).

Some refiners are better than others, so don’t just go with the lowest price.

When you are looking for a scrap gold refiner, it’s important to keep in mind that not all refiners are created equal. There are good ones and bad ones out there, so don’t just go with the lowest price.

When choosing a scrap gold refinery, look for one with a good reputation and track record of customer service. You want someone who will give you a fair price on your precious metal scrap as well as be responsive when needed; this way if something goes wrong during processing or shipping (which can happen), they will take care of it promptly at no cost to yourself!

Gold refiners want to meet you in person.

The first thing you should know is that the gold refiner wants to meet you in person. This means that selling your scrap gold doesn’t have to be a long and drawn out process–you can get a better price for your jewelry by meeting the refiner in person, rather than waiting around for months until someone responds to your ad on Craigslist or eBay.

The second thing is that they’ll be able to tell you exactly how much money they will give you for each piece of jewelry based on its weight, purity and condition–something which cannot easily be done over email or phone calls (at least not without spending hours on research).

The most popular form of gold refining is by weight.

The most popular form of gold refining is by weight. This means that you send your scrap gold into a refinery, and they will weigh it. Then they will give you a quote based on the price per troy ounce that day, plus any fees for refining (which vary from company to company). The final price will be calculated by multiplying their quoted price per troy ounce by the total weight of your gold in ounces.

If this sounds too complicated for you, don’t worry–you can easily get around it by just selling all of your scrap jewelry at once! Many jewelers offer deals where they’ll buy everything from necklaces to rings or bracelets at once; just bring them into the store with everything else and they’ll take care of everything else after that point.

Don’t use your best jewelry to find a good gold refinery, but don’t sell everything in one place either.

  • Don’t use your best jewelry to find a good gold refinery, but don’t sell everything in one place either.
  • If you want to get the most money for your scrap gold, consider selling it one piece at a time instead of all at once. This will allow you more control over who buys it and how much they pay for each piece.

What is the refining process?

The refining process can be broken down into two parts: melting and refining. Melting involves heating your scrap gold to a temperature that is high enough to separate its components, but not so hot that it loses its luster or shape. Refining is the step after melting, where refiners use various methods to remove impurities from your gold bar or coins. Each type of refinery uses different types of equipment and methods based on what kind of scrap they’re dealing with (e.g., whether it’s jewelry or coins), but all refiners want one thing: pure gold!

How long does it take to refine gold at a refinery?

The amount of time it takes to refine your gold depends on the amount of scrap you are selling. Some refiners can do it in a few days, while others take longer.

Some companies will pay you immediately upon receiving your shipment, while others will give you a check or deposit into your account.

You can sell scrap gold without having to wait around for months.

You can sell scrap gold quickly and easily. There are many ways to do it, including:

  • Selling to a refinery. This is the most common way that people sell their scrap jewelry. Refineries will pay you for your unwanted gold items, even if they are broken or damaged in some way. You don’t have to wait around for months while your precious metals are being refined into new products by manufacturers; instead, they will pay you immediately! Some refineries even offer free shipping on returns so that you don’t even have to worry about getting back what was originally sent out (though this varies).
  • Selling online or locally at pawn shops or jewelers’ shops/stores with jewelry repair departments where they buy used jewelry from customers who wish not only cash but also other valuables such as diamonds etc…


If you want to sell scrap gold, it’s important to know what kind of refinery you’re dealing with. There are many different kinds out there and some are better than others when it comes to price and service. If you’re looking for a good place to start your search for an honest and trustworthy refiner then look no further than the one we recommend here at Gold Refinery USA – they have been helping people like yourself since 1969!